Hidcote English Lavender

Lavandula angusatifolia ‘Hidcote’

Zones 5 - 9

Bloom color: Violet Blue

Bloom time: Summer to fall

Foliage color: green/grey

Height: 16” Spread: 15” - 18”

'Hidcote' Lavender is a selected dwarf variety of common lavender, a highly aromatic sub-shrub with a brilliant flower-spike of the brightest dark purple. Hidcote which is a darker shade than other varieties tends toward navy blue.

A predictable and consistent variety with greenish-gray leaves that provide an excellent backdrop for the deep violet blue flowers spikes. 

Hidcote is a very popular cultivar for hedging. It has a compact and erect habit with gray lanceolate leaves. Its deep violet flowers are strongly scented and bloom in dense spikes on 12 to 14 inch stems. This is the classic lavender used in sachets, perfumes, wands, etc. Foliage is aromatic and grey-green and flower lavender, appearing in late June, July and early August.

Thrives in full sun and loose, well-drained soil.

 Little to no fertilization is best.


Prune 2x Year to keep plants compact and live long.

Fall--Soon after flowering in fall 3” off branches.

Early spring--prune back half of the leaf area on branches.


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